First Snow - 11-11-11

We woke this morning to a blanket of snow.  I was so excited to see that white stuff!  Now that most of the leaves have fallen in NE Ohio, the scenery was looking a little bland.  This morning's dusting was a welcome change.  I look forward to fires in the fireplace, wool sweaters, mittens and hot chocolate.

I filled up the bird feeders last week and the birdies have rediscovered them.  They are so fun to watch!  Some critter has been doing its best to eat all of my pumpkins and it is fun to see each morning the progress.  The picture above is his third one!

My middle-schooler is finally turning a corner after being home for two weeks with pneumonia.  Yesterday was the first day since October 29 that she was fever free.  The cough is still pretty painful, but I know that she is on the road to recovery.  While she has been home, I have not had much time to hook, but an halfway done whipping my Brave Hunter and I finished binding the Santa.  Next on my list is to get my X-mas shopping done before I start the next rug...


  1. Liz ~
    I'm glad your daughter is finally on the road to recovery!!! No matter what the age, you hate to see them sick.
    We had no snow which is perfectly okay with me!
    Pug hugs :)


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